Do it for your clients
Clients love using Skylex. Once they get used to working with an attorney, clients often ask other attorneys they work with to use the app, too. There are many features that clients love. See our reviews on the App Store and Play Store to learn about some of them. Here are some features we’d like to highlight:
1. Skylex Provides faster access to lawyers.
Do you know how many steps existing and potential clients have to go through just to talk to their attorney? First, they need to find the phone number, dial it, wait for a response and then, often, leave a voicemail message. If they reach a secretary or a paralegal, they must explain their issue, regardless of how private or personal it is. Then they wait a couple of days to get a callback. When the attorney does call back, if the client can’t pick up the phone at that moment, the client is back at square one. Clients may be asked to send an email, so they must copy the email address, make sure it is correctly entered in the “To” field, write the email, and wait for a response. It might take several email exchanges to set up a call: ”… send me a couple of availabilities to call you… sorry, Monday I am in court but after 4 pm may work… sorry, something came up… can we please talk at a different time?” and so on. Skylex puts all that behind you. Clients in any country are connected to attorneys instantly through our call or chat buttons, using the Skylex built-in web socket connection. Clients can quickly send a chat message asking if the attorney is available and then call. No phone numbers, no emails, no voicemail needed. As client Doris put it on her (verified) Play Store review: “This is a great app to use. It’s so easy to chat via text as well as have a phone conversation. You can easily press the call button to reach a lawyer and talk…”
2. Stress-free Skylex chatting experience.
You know how awkward some people feel talking about a sensitive matter with a legal specialist they don’t know well or haven’t met? Skylex provides a different experience. As one client nicknamed WaldorfAstoria wrote in her (verified) review on the App Store: “Skylex was recommended to me by a friend and it has been such a great help, as I go through the process of applying for a green card. I have been able to communicate directly with my attorney, much like I do with my friends over chat, rather than in a formal business setting. In previous encounters with other attorneys, I had maybe an hour to present my case and was then left with the feeling that I did not really have time to explain my case or give all the details. They were not really able to help me. The app made it easier for me to talk to my attorney and share all the facts and find solutions. I have been able to communicate with my lawyer continually throughout the day, even in the evenings, in order to continually keep him updated on my case. When I felt like I forgot something, all I had to do was send a text and I quickly received a reply…” The Skylex platform makes conversations between lawyers and clients warmer and helps clients open up and feel comfortable conversing. When our clients are happy, we’re happy!
3. Traveling with Skylex.
Skylex works in any country, in any time zone. Clients and lawyers can text and call whenever they are connected to the Internet. There is no need to buy international calling plans or carry lists of phone numbers. And, every time a client sees the Skylex app on their phone, it reminds them that they have an attorney, and their attorney has their back.
4. Skylex showcases attorney pictures and credentials.
The Skylex Professional Profile allows lawyers to add pictures of themselves and their offices, diplomas, certificates and publications, and descriptions of their services. Clients like knowing that they are represented by top-notch legal professionals. There is no need to pore over a website to get a feel for an attorney who might take their case. Clients can see your face and credentials in Skylex at any time. That lessens the need for face-to-face meetings and saves time for both clients and lawyers.
5. Skylex group chats
A client can add a family member or colleague to any Skylex conversation with an attorney, so they don’t need to repeat what the lawyer said about their case. Lawyers can add paralegals to chats, as well. When a client messages and the attorney is not available, a paralegal who is up to speed on their case can provide a quick response. The lawyer can catch up later on the communications and can jump in as needed.
Skylex makes it easy to hold an online consultation without having to meet in person. Calls are fast, easy, secure and of high quality, so there’s less need for face-to-face meetings. That saves both time and money.
7. Skylex is an entirely Mobile Experience
Skylex makes it easy to work on legal cases from a mobile device. There is no need for clients to grab a laptop or get to a desktop to check what their lawyer has sent them. Skylex makes any mobile device into a legal communication hub. It saves clients time, so their lawyers often get paid faster.
8. Skylex Message Status Report
Attorneys and clients can see whether each other’s Skylex messages have been read. It’s the same with missed calls–you can see if the client saw that you called. That’s something you never find with landlines, cell phones, or emails.
9. Skylex voice memos save time.
Attorneys and clients can send each other Skylex voice messages instead of typing long memoranda or chat messages. Clients love this feature because it lets them easily and quickly present information about their cases without office visits or snail mail. Attorneys like being able to provide detailed voice instructions on what their clients should (or should not) do or say, what documents must be completed and how to do so. That lets lawyers out of a lot of calls, and everyone saves time and money!
10. Deleting Skylex message and attachments AFTER sending.
Emails and conventional text messages can never be retracted, but any Skylex message or attachment can be deleted at any time, even after the other person has read it, and even on the other person’s device. Just long tap on any message and press the Trash icon. It can’t get any easier than that. This feature helps protect attorney-client privileged communication.
11. Skylex is one app for all legal communication.
With Skylex, all of the case information clients and attorneys exchange stays within one app. They aren’t scattered all over the phone or computer on separate apps with separate calls, emails, text messages, and attachments. Skylex makes finding calls, message and attachments a snap.
12. Skylex assures privacy
Skylex is perfect for clients who wish to safeguard their privacy during a legal consultation. The client’s cell phone number is not visible to the attorney, and all of the case information exchanged can be deleted when the legal representation is over (see #10).
13. Responding to a particular message in a Skylex chat.
When involved in a complicated email exchange, clients may need to copy attorney questions and highlight or otherwise set apart the client’s responses. Skylex has solved that problem! With our exclusive, “Quote Reply” feature, clients can select one of an attorney’s messages and respond to that message individually, simply by left-swiping. Skylex communications are much easier and much clearer. When you and your client download Skylex and begin to exchange messages, you’ll quickly see the advantage of “Quote Reply.”
14. Sharing an attorney’s Skylex Professional Profile with a friend or colleague.
Every attorney’s Skylex Professional Profile can be shared with anyone. It works just like sharing a LinkedIn or a Facebook profile with a friend, instead of having to copy and paste contact information. This feature helps lawyers in the Skylex network get more referrals from their clients.
15. The Skylex Support tab.
If a client gets lost or requires immediate assistance, our Skylex legal team will address the problem and will help the client get in touch with you or your paralegal.