Skylex Immigration Lawyer | Solution to any immigration problem

EB-1 Category

EB-1 Professor/ Researcher Category

Additionally, you must include an offer of employment from the prospective U.S. employer, AND documentation of at least two (2) of the items below:
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Furthermore, there are different requirements for private employers and universities or other institutions of higher education. A private employer’s offer letter needs to indicate that they intend to employ you in a permanent research position in the academic field, and evidence that they employ at least three (3) full-time researchers and have achieved documented accomplishments in the field. Meanwhile, a university or institution of higher educationneeds to submit an offer of employment letter indicating that they intend to employ you in a tenured or tenure-track position as a teacher or in a permanent position as a researcher in the academic field.
This can be a time-consuming process, and it helps to have someone to make sure you file the correct forms and provide the necessary evidence. If you have any questions, we are here to help.

Miki AI

AI Assistant