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USA Citizenship

Become a US Citizen:

What You Need to Know:

The American citizenship is lasting dream for a great number of people around the globe.
The first necessary step is to become a US permanent resident (green card holder). After that, a resident must stay in the US for at least 5 years. The procedure to become a US citizen known as naturalization, you should first have a green card (Permanent Resident) and after that meet different prerequisites, recorded beneath. There are very few uncommon exemptions in which one goes straight from having no U.S. status to getting U.S. citizenship;

The Eligibility Criteria:

If you are interested in applying for U.S. citizenship, first make sure that all of the following apply to you:
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Benefits of Becoming a U.S. Citizen:

Among many advantages of being a U.S. citizen, some of them are as below:
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You could be barred from obtaining Citizenship for following reasons:

There might be some restrictions in getting citizenship if you are involved in any of the following situation. You should consult an attorney or a legal counselor for better solution:

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